
Showing posts from September, 2008

Magical Moments Magical People

Friends in MSS, A short while from now, I leave for my favourite place in the world-Assam. A place where I was born and a place where I grew up learning lessons of love, friendship and managing relationships. As I played in the pristine beauty of Assam's rainfed fields, I discovered some of most magical moments of my life during my childhood And today as a mature adult, am not writing to you to describe the mesmerising beauty of the land. I thought I would share some of my magical moments here in MSS just before my departure. The year 2008 has been a period of great magical moment full of miracles in my life. 2008 marked a period when my life took me through a roller coaster ride of good, bad and ugly. In all my moments most of you guys where around. This page is just an ode to all the good men and women whom I crossed paths in my last one year in MSS. (oops this is not a parting letter though. am coming back han!) In MSS, I met people who influenced my life in more than one ways.