
Showing posts from December, 2022

One resolution

 IT is December 2022. To be precise today is the 30th dec2022. Tomorrow is the last day of the year from Sunday onwards we will have a brand new year 2023. That will le. an year when I shall turn 50. From a physical standpoint that will be an important milestone in my life. So my childhood, teenage, youth et all is in the past. So now what? What is it going to be my game plan for life if at all? ' What am I going to do differently. The honest answer to myself is not to have any plans or resolutions . Except one..  This 50th year I want to commit to just one thing. This commitment that I Plan to undertake will be purely for myself. I do not want to put anything in social media about it or even perhaps speak about it to others. I believe this one thing would form my core change. I am feeling a bit nervous writing about the commitment to self. This is due to the fact that I am unable to concentrate and continue anything for long Yes, this year I want to meditate. I want to learn about