Why I can't trust myself?

Dear life,
Why is it so difficult to trust oneself and be confident about ones on abilities.In my own case, I think I find it difficult to believe that I am good in anything. This is so far from truth . People come to me with so many questions about their issues . I am able to tell them exactly what has been their problem. But when it comes to myself , things look different. I ask myself “why?”
Does this happen to you .?
I guess we can solve most of the problems of the world However when it comes to our own issues , we get bogged down.. we don’t trust enough.
It so happened that last month an exhuberent 30s something chap came to my office to see me . I was really hard pressed for time, as I had a flight to catch in the evening. However one of my dear friends had insisted that I meet him, and hence reluctantly I did meet him exactly for 30 minutes . He came to me with one question .
He had got an offer from an organisation and whether he should join it.
I took the marker and made few drawings on the board.i asked him about his life and dreams. I spoke for about 10 minutes . And then I told him that it is for him to decide based on what I had told him to consider.
Later I was told that this chap had gone back so mesmerised with what I told him, that he considered it his good  fortune to have come and met me .
The issue is whatever I told the guy,came out of my wisdom and experience.Where the fuck does these go away when it comes to taking decisions about myself?
Why did I take or still take so many wrong decisions..? Or you may say that I have got the wisdom only because of the wrong decisions! But will there be a time when I can reap some benefits of my wisdom ?


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