
Sleep eluded me for a long time, last night. The wailing of our little Vedika (well thats what we have named our daughter) and the incessant babble of Siddharth kept me awake till mid-night. Midnights are something which I rarely experience, because in most cases magic sleep overpowers me the moment I hit the sack every night at 10-10.30. Yesterday night I kept awake, rolling onto different sides (wanted to use some other word for "karvat badalna"-but then I dont know the English equivalent of this), listening to some good music and reading some reasonably good books pulled out from our little book shelf. There was something that was disturbing me last night.... possibly I was looking out for something called happiness... some serenity. Tried to speak to Yogi. He was attending a marriage somewhere in Punjab.Then I heard this story which I thought I should share with you guys.

Once upoon a time, long long ago (woh! do you remember such lines from your old story books)... there lived a small bird.

Beautiful, light, cheerful and always happy and smiling. Nothing, nothing could obstruct his ecstacy, his joys, his laughter, his penchant for living in this world. He laughed loud... and loud enough for people to hear him. People in turn loved him.

However not the King of the land.

The king was irritated by his laughters and smiles. He asked his sentry to catch the bird and put him in a cage in his palace.

However, our little friend laughed again,

"Woh! I have the privelge of living in a golden cage in a golden palace, lucky me. Ha Ha!"

The king got further annoyed. He ordered his sentry to keep the bird outside without food and drinks.

" Woh I am so glad to be fasting. I can have fresh air outside. Ha Ha!"

This time the King got still more furious and asked his sentry to kill the bird.

As the sentry were trying to take the bird out, the agile bird gave them an effiecient slip and flying high up said, " King nobody is as poor as you are, you have forgotten to laugh long ago, your entire wealth is useless infront of my happiness. Learn to be happy today"

The bird flue away.

As I heard this little story, ( though not at all very interesting by any standards), I thought am I the king or the bird? Do I laugh and smile or has my life transformed itself into a morbidly mundane machine working for a meagre salary and staying away most of the time from people who mean so much to me.

Many a times life brings us into a strange trajectory from where we begin to see our lives from a different perspective. These days I am trying to learn to be the bird in the story... to smile more... to laugh more.... and to connect more with all of you..


Will write to you more about dil, dosti, surgery, money, friends, visits, songs and bosses etc..

Till then



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