Ma is dead

Ma is dead. Ma, my mother was 56 or 57. She is dead

We could not save her. Rather the docs in Guwhati could not save her. She suffered from brain hemmorage and her last 20 days or so was very painful in the ICU. She died on 15 of Nov 2008 at about 8.30 pm.

I reached Guwahati in the evening of 30th Oct 2008 and upon reaching GNRC-the hospital where Ma was admitted , hugged her lightly. I assumed that within a few days she would be out of the ICU and join me back in Delhi.

For the next two weeks Kaju, Sangeeta and myself kept our prayers and hope alive. We would take turns to go near her, feed her and speak to her. It was not a pleasureable experience to speak to Ma, with her heavy pain in the head. Her enitre body had paled and swollen because of the numeorus injections that docs cluelessly gave to control what they felt was herpes encepthalatis. Gradually her vital organs started failing, beginning with her limbs, eyes etc. She started dying...

She breathed her last at the Medical College, where we had admitted her during her last few days.

I loved my mother immensly and so did a lot other people with him she was associated with.

I miss you Ma. everyday


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