Her Mother

So my boss Summi’s mother is not well. She has been diagnosed with oral cancer . How painful it is to know that your mother is not well. I can imagine the pain that she must be going through at this point in time . We become so fragile and vulnerable during these times. We wish , we pray , we send healing waves , we go to the best doctors and we do everything possible to make life easier for our loved ones . All our attention is to heal .Each time we go to the doctor, we want some miracle to happen .And they do happen !.Healings do take place ,diseases do get cured .But then miracles are very pricey...they take time and place. They may be waiting for you just in the next step , or after some prolonged search .
Miracles happen everyday at all times .However we may not know to define them as miracles.
Her mother would just be fine.
It’s 2:49 pm and it is her operation day . Doctors must be working on her . As I write this , she  is getting healed. Healed completely.
Life is getting easy and comfortable for one all all


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