
Showing posts from April, 2008

The Music of Romance

सिली हवा छू गई, सिला बदन छिल गया - २ नीली नदी के परे, पिला सा चाँद खिल गया सिलिहावा छू गई, सिला बदन छिल गया तुमसे मिली जो ज़िंदगी, हमने अभी बोयी नहीं - २ तेरे सिवाकोई न था, तेरे सिवा कोई नहीं सिली हवा छू गई, सिला बदन छिल गया ओह, आह जाने कहान्कैसे शहर लेके चला यह दिल मुझे - २ तेरे बगैर दिन न जला, तेरे बगैर शब न बुझे सिलिहावा छू गई, सिला बदन छिल गया जितने भी तै करते गए, बढ़ते गए यह फासले - २ मिलोंसे दिन छोड़ आए, सालों से रात लेके चले सिली हवा छू गई, सिला बदन छिल गया नीलिनादी के परे, पिला सा चाँद खिल गया Friends, This is one of the most beautiful songs of all times. Can listen to this any number of times. Sung by Lata Mangeskar, this is one of the collection from the album Libas. The expression of romance and sensuality is so beautifully weaved in these lines! Amazing. Imagine the beauty of the pale moon nestled across the blue river. Isn't it an expression of serene beauty between two lovers madly in love w

Summer in Delhi

Summer has set in, heralding the beginning of scorching days in Delhi. Days are merciless in this part of the country. The sun's fury is feared by human's and animals alike and there is very little you can do to fight the heat outside, except for seeking shelter inside the cool comforts of your home. Feel like packing up my bags and travel to the hills looking for some cool breeze. To my mind, one of the most beautiful hills that I can go is kasuali. Something magical about this land... Recently, we also went to a hill station called Nahan. .... 4 days of complete masti...


आजकल हमने अपना डेरा एस्कोर्ट्स में डाला हैं। रात दिन वही रहते हैं हम। हर वक्त तत्पर की आगला आनौंसमेंट कौन सा हों। " waiting for the attendents of Baby Vedika Sharma" -यह sentence सुनते ही हम हरकत में आजाते हैं. पिंकी और में भाग चलते हैं ICU की तरफ़. नजाने आब क्या? डर वाह डर! Raju

Alvida-Life in a Metro

Hi Am listening to the song Alvida from the film, "Life in a Metro". Somehow it is a beautiful song. Different. Very different. Lots of guitar, sitar and I dont know what not. Reminds me of this morning's motor cyclist who was crushed to death by a heavier vehicle in Delhi's one of the numerous flyover. We saw his mutilated helmet and could guess what must have happened to his head. He said Alvida... to all of us .... and painfully to his family... Alvida , well thats life in a metro? Raju

अंजाना रिश्ता ......

दोस्तों, हमारी वेदिका को कल हमने एस्कोर्ट्स में भरती करवाया।मासूम सी यह नन्ही जान न जाने कितनी और तकलीफ उठाएगी। हमारी इस मुसकील घड़ी में बहुत से लोगों ने एक घजब का प्रोत्साहन दिया है। निकोल, टेरेसा, सपना, रेबेक्का, तोडी, हिमिका, सोहिनी, ..... न जाने ये लोग, जीने हम ढंग से शायद जानते भी नही...... कहाँ से फरिस्तेय की तरह निकल आए हैं। हमारी ज़िंदगी की अंजान गाँठ, कुछ अंजान दोस्त खोलने की कोशीस कर रहें हैं। राजू


We were not to sure of how to celebrate our marraige anniversary this year. We completed what people generally call the 7 year itch period of marriage, though I personally had very few occassions of these itches in my years of stay with Pinki. Vedika's health has been a cause of concern for all of us. Depleting accounts also played the role of spoil sports in organising anything at home. So both of us just thought of attending the customary congratulatory calls from relatives and friends. Small hugs sufficed the occasion. Rupa greeted me with a colourful bouquet. Thanks Rupa for caring to get it and organise. You have been an amazing find as friend at this office. Just be the way you are. Dr Somaiya and Renuka also shared the good moments at office. Skipped yoga classes in the eve.Pinki had organised a small treat for all of us. It is a good feeling to be with friends and families. Late night drive to Shruti and Neeraj's place. Friends, family and celebration... may this contin
किसी ने खूब कहा है की देशप्रेम से बढ़ कर शायद ही कोई धर्म हो जो मर मिटने लायक हो। पर दोस्तो में कई बार एक असंजस में पड़ जाता हूँ। आख़िर क्या है ये देशाप्रेम? क्या ये कुछ मूल्य है भी या यूं ही नेताओ का दिल बहलाने का साधन जिससे ये लोग आप और हम जेसो को ऊलू बनाते है। आज वक्त और समाज देश की सीमाओ को तोड़ता हुआ सभी क्षितिज को बारीक़ करने पर तुले हुवे हैं। इंटरनेट प्रोद्योगिकी ने तो आन्तारास्त्रिया सीमाओ को बेमाना कर दिया हैं। तो फिर ये सैनिक, ये फौज, ये बंदरगाह , ये बेमौत मरे जाने वाले जवान, सरे एक सद्यंत्र में फसते मालूम पड़ते हैं। किसे फायदा होता हैं। समाज को ? नही । लोगोको ? नही? तो कौन होतो हैं खुस इन सीमाओ से? दोस्तो मुजे नही मालूम देश प्रेम क्या हैं, किसे कहते हैं। हो सके तो समझाना जरूर। जवाब की उमीद में Raju

Vedika- a fighter superlative

Friends, This is our Vedika . Pinki and my Vedika . When the staff at Sir Gangaram Hospital broke the news that we have a girl child on the 7 th of Feb , I found myself in cloud nine. Imagine.. after Siddharth ... the happy go lucky Sidd we have another baby... Wow! Its a fantastic feeling to be a parent. I made frantic calls all over the country. From Assam (another love of my life after pinki ) to Kashmir to Archana in Gujrat to Surekha down South to everybody, even to people for whom it hardly mattered whether I was father a second or third time, I called up all. I seated myself in the lawns of the hospital to make these calls. As Pinki was brought in we gave each other a light hug. She narrated how she easy her delivery had been, in a room full of bright warm Feb morning sun. She was radiating the warmth all over the place. She was happy beyond all measures. The 7 th Feb afternoon passed peacefully . Congratulations! Thank you God bless you! Thank you What a wonderful baby
Friends, Sleep eluded me for a long time, last night. The wailing of our little Vedika (well thats what we have named our daughter) and the incessant babble of Siddharth kept me awake till mid-night. Midnights are something which I rarely experience, because in most cases magic sleep overpowers me the moment I hit the sack every night at 10-10.30. Yesterday night I kept awake, rolling onto different sides (wanted to use some other word for "karvat badalna"-but then I dont know the English equivalent of this), listening to some good music and reading some reasonably good books pulled out from our little book shelf. There was something that was disturbing me last night.... possibly I was looking out for something called happiness... some serenity. Tried to speak to Yogi. He was attending a marriage somewhere in Punjab.Then I heard this story which I thought I should share with you guys. Once upoon a time, long long ago (woh! do you remember such lines from your old story books)