
One resolution

 IT is December 2022. To be precise today is the 30th dec2022. Tomorrow is the last day of the year from Sunday onwards we will have a brand new year 2023. That will le. an year when I shall turn 50. From a physical standpoint that will be an important milestone in my life. So my childhood, teenage, youth et all is in the past. So now what? What is it going to be my game plan for life if at all? ' What am I going to do differently. The honest answer to myself is not to have any plans or resolutions . Except one..  This 50th year I want to commit to just one thing. This commitment that I Plan to undertake will be purely for myself. I do not want to put anything in social media about it or even perhaps speak about it to others. I believe this one thing would form my core change. I am feeling a bit nervous writing about the commitment to self. This is due to the fact that I am unable to concentrate and continue anything for long Yes, this year I want to meditate. I want to learn about

Happy in the hills

 Day 2 in Kolli hills  I wake up to a rooster 🐓 or perhaps a peacock calling in the distant hill. The sharp call accentuated by silence all around woke me from my slumber in my beautiful hotel named Silverline Resorts. This hotel, situated in a hill top has friendly staff and well appointed rooms. I am at work , but the mornings are mine to savour . With this thought , I freshen up and walk towards the open area outside. Life is in the open. I tell myself . The forest beyond is serene. It seems mysterious to me as if it knows things that I have no clue about. Silence , serenity and mystery can be an attractive combination . I savour the morning bliss. The  weary heart feelings melts away.  The sun rays comes to the valley. The 🐦 birds and the swan 🦢 are here . The flowers 💐 are in full glory . The golden sun has soaked everything here . The bees , the butterflies, the insects and other creepy crawlers seem to be having a merry day.  Few feed on each other , yet each one of them see

Kolli Hills, Namakkal in Tamil Nadu

I am On my way from Trichy to Kolli Hills in Namakkal District of Tamil Nadu.  Abhinavgram is in Kolli hills and about 170 kms from Trichy airport. I shall reach the hotel by 9:30 or so . The evening sunset was beautiful as the last rays soaked the lush greenary around me . Our country is so diverse and beautiful. Love exploring the hinterlands . My driver  Reuben does not speak a word of English and I do not know anything remotely associated with Tamil . However , I think am having a beautiful conversation with him using few common words .  I said filter coffee . He stopped the car in a road side shop where the lady served excellent filter coffee. It was excessively sweet but delicious too . He tells me about his family and I gather that he has a loving family with a five year old daughter whom he dearly loves  He also explained about an arduous trek undertaken by pilgrims here in Tamil Nadu to a temple called Samaypuram in Trichy .  I can see men ans women walking all along this high

Sunrise at Diu

Among  nature’s most beautiful things that is visible to human eye is perhaps the morning sunrise.Morning sunrise has an ethereal beauty about it. It was one such December 2021 morning in an isolated hilltop in an island called Diu in Gujarat, I waited patiently for the sun to rise up from the distant horizon.  Everything was quiet. The only sound that was playing in my ears was the sound of gentle breeze blowing all around, and the sea waves striking the rocks or rather caressing the rocks and its most gentle ways.  Grace is not a word I associated with sea waves till I visualised it myself on that December morning. I sat there on the hilltop patiently waiting for the sun to come out in all its charm. It was as if I was waiting for my beloved to meet me after a dark solitary night.  The wind blew around me wooooosh!  I felt as if the wind wanted me to be mindful of what is going on in the hilltop. Yes the wind wanted me to be present with her, she wanted me to listen to her, she want

Why I can't trust myself?

Dear life, Why is it so difficult to trust oneself and be confident about ones on abilities.In my own case, I think I find it difficult to believe that I am good in anything. This is so far from truth . People come to me with so many questions about their issues . I am able to tell them exactly what has been their problem. But when it comes to myself , things look different. I ask myself “why?” Does this happen to you .? I guess we can solve most of the problems of the world However when it comes to our own issues , we get bogged down.. we don’t trust enough. It so happened that last month an exhuberent 30s something chap came to my office to see me . I was really hard pressed for time, as I had a flight to catch in the evening. However one of my dear friends had insisted that I meet him, and hence reluctantly I did meet him exactly for 30 minutes . He came to me with one question . He had got an offer from an organisation and whether he should join it. I took the marker a

Her Mother

So my boss Summi’s mother is not well. She has been diagnosed with oral cancer . How painful it is to know that your mother is not well. I can imagine the pain that she must be going through at this point in time . We become so fragile and vulnerable during these times. We wish , we pray , we send healing waves , we go to the best doctors and we do everything possible to make life easier for our loved ones . All our attention is to heal .Each time we go to the doctor, we want some miracle to happen .And they do happen !.Healings do take place ,diseases do get cured .But then miracles are very pricey...they take time and place. They may be waiting for you just in the next step , or after some prolonged search . Miracles happen everyday at all times .However we may not know to define them as miracles. Her mother would just be fine. It’s 2:49 pm and it is her operation day . Doctors must be working on her . As I write this , she  is getting healed. Healed completely. Life is getting

Sleep Apnea

So folks ! Long time no news . Actually there is not much happening in my life. I have been diagnosed with something called sleep apnea. Now this is an interesting health problem . It sounds so comical to others when patients like me snore heavily. Most of the times with the mouth wide open. There is just nothing that you could do with your snoring Well I have purchased the CPAP machine and have been using it . Let’s see how much my body responds